OK, so not really the eyes of Texas (I just wanted to use that song title). But just eyes. That sounded weird. I'm not being weird or creepy so I better just get on with the story today so you people don't think I have lost my mind!!
Anyway....so growing up were you always told to be on your best behavior because you never know who is watching you? Now, this person could have been Santa Claus, or your mom with eyes in the back of her head, or just strangers, or if you are like me, the witch that you believed lived in your basement. (Crazy story for another day) Anyway, this caused me to try to really pay attention to how I acted and what I did. Then, when I got into school everyone always told you to pay attention and do a good job because what you do today will affect your future. This used to really irritate me. I don't know why but it did. I never understood that learning algebra and geometry or making good grades would mean anything after high school or in college. But really, what we do when we are younger does cause some sort of impact no matter what. I hate that I am actually saying "You were right!" to all of those people who told me that. I guess I am saying all this not because I have actually used geometry today, but because I got a call at about 8:05 this morning from my high school. I was informed that I was selected as the "Alumnus of the Year" and would be inducted in the school's Alumni Hall of Fame. Now first, what school has one of those? Apparently mine. Anyway, my old teacher goes on to explain a few details and then talk about what she remembered me doing in high school and that she was proud of me. It really got me thinking that people really do watch us. If only I could go back and tell my 15 year old self (and probably my 18,19,20,and 21 year old self as well) that everything you do has an impact on someone, or there is always someone watching. And whether you know it or not, and are doing the right things or not, people notice, and people remember. It will come back to you somehow. It may be in the form of someone talking about you at your reunion or your face on a plaque in the hall of the school that your kids will probably attend and be embarrassed of. (Hopefully it won't be the whole state of Texas looking at you) but, just good to be thinking...what are you doing that people are noticing?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday Update
Wow, I have been so busy I haven't blogged in so long. I guess you all thought I was around Thursday and Friday, but in fact, those were scheduled posts, so I haven't been around in a WHILE! Lots to catch up on....
Thursday: Pat Green! Can I just say, this was so much fun!! I was afraid that the concert was going to be a little stuffy because of the older than usual crowd and the "seating". Pat took matters in his own hands though and invited the crowd down to the stage, like it is supposed to be, and we had lots of fun. It is nice when you can use the stage as your bar, its a great place to set your drink when you wanna take a picture! Although it is not such a great spot when he shotguns a beer and the remnants spill on you. Oh well, small price to pay for a WONDERFUL night! Emory and I met the sweetest couple ever! They were so fun! We then went to the Alley Bar and had fun there.
Friday: I worked and had a LONG day! Then did nothing!!
Saturday: The Tide rolled over the hogs. Sushi was eaten, an the rain came down!!
Sunday: Relaxing, pretty day in Montgomery, a trip to Bass Pro Shop, and a great dinner.
Monday/Tuesday: I watched my boss on CNN last night on "Face Off" on Lou Dobbs. Pretty cool. And I got excited when it was cool outside and I actually needed a jacket last night and this morning. I thought I may actually open a window or the porch door and enjoy the beginning of fall weather. Then, reality hit me that my city stinks and I couldn't do that. Seriously, it stinks so bad that I can't have fresh air in my house to enjoy (at least not most of the time). So, I have to settle for enjoying man-made fall smells from my Pumpkin Spice wallflower in my living room. I'm just glad it is finally cooling off!
**Update on Scout as the office dog: He has become a morning person like his Mommy! We have gotten into a routine now, when we come into the building and start to take the stairs (because someone won't take the elevator)I let him off his leash and he races to the 4th floor while I lag behind. Then we meet at the top and he runs into the office so excited and goes to see who is there. If no one is there yet, he will lay in the floor where he can see the door and wait for people to come in and greet them. He likes to play ball.run.play.bark all first thing when he gets there. I think he loves it! His favorite thing is to show out during staff meetings when everyone is together. He gets his toy (what used to be a sock monkey that is now just shreds of fabric, and gets in the middle of everyone and shakes the toy in his mouth for a minute and then goes around to everyone sniffing and seeing if anyone will put a cup of coffee on the ground so he can steal a drink really fast!
Thursday: Pat Green! Can I just say, this was so much fun!! I was afraid that the concert was going to be a little stuffy because of the older than usual crowd and the "seating". Pat took matters in his own hands though and invited the crowd down to the stage, like it is supposed to be, and we had lots of fun. It is nice when you can use the stage as your bar, its a great place to set your drink when you wanna take a picture! Although it is not such a great spot when he shotguns a beer and the remnants spill on you. Oh well, small price to pay for a WONDERFUL night! Emory and I met the sweetest couple ever! They were so fun! We then went to the Alley Bar and had fun there.
Friday: I worked and had a LONG day! Then did nothing!!
Saturday: The Tide rolled over the hogs. Sushi was eaten, an the rain came down!!
Sunday: Relaxing, pretty day in Montgomery, a trip to Bass Pro Shop, and a great dinner.
Monday/Tuesday: I watched my boss on CNN last night on "Face Off" on Lou Dobbs. Pretty cool. And I got excited when it was cool outside and I actually needed a jacket last night and this morning. I thought I may actually open a window or the porch door and enjoy the beginning of fall weather. Then, reality hit me that my city stinks and I couldn't do that. Seriously, it stinks so bad that I can't have fresh air in my house to enjoy (at least not most of the time). So, I have to settle for enjoying man-made fall smells from my Pumpkin Spice wallflower in my living room. I'm just glad it is finally cooling off!
**Update on Scout as the office dog: He has become a morning person like his Mommy! We have gotten into a routine now, when we come into the building and start to take the stairs (because someone won't take the elevator)I let him off his leash and he races to the 4th floor while I lag behind. Then we meet at the top and he runs into the office so excited and goes to see who is there. If no one is there yet, he will lay in the floor where he can see the door and wait for people to come in and greet them. He likes to play ball.run.play.bark all first thing when he gets there. I think he loves it! His favorite thing is to show out during staff meetings when everyone is together. He gets his toy (what used to be a sock monkey that is now just shreds of fabric, and gets in the middle of everyone and shakes the toy in his mouth for a minute and then goes around to everyone sniffing and seeing if anyone will put a cup of coffee on the ground so he can steal a drink really fast!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Football Friday Part 4
I thought he was the cutest thing ever! Most adults don't even know the words to the fight song! This weekend The Alabama Crimson Tide host The Hogs of Arkansas! Let's hope the tide continues to roll! I will be watching the game at home probably yelling and scaring Scout!! ;) Hope you all have a great weekend! ROLLLL TIDE ROLL!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thursday! Pat Green!!
So, tonight I will be listening to that guy sing that song (and a few others)! I am SO excited! I have heard him live before and had a BLAST! He is one of my favorite artists and he has the most fun on stage! I have actually talked to his band on the phone once when I was supposed to be asleep in high school! HAHA Weird I know, but my brother was hanging out with them after a concert in Auburn and decided to be cool and call his little sis! He is good about including me in all of his cool, fun excursions! The funniest member of his band is his fiddle, mandolin and guitar player, Brendan Anthony. Needless to say, I am SO excited about breaking out the boots and going to see PG! Bringing a little Texas to Alabama. Its about time these people around here learn what Texas Country is all about! I am excited about the company I will have with me as well! So, tonight, think about Me. At Pat Green. 2nd Row!! Pictures will follow sometime!
Monday, September 21, 2009

Dictionary: foun·da·tion (n.)
1. The act of founding, especially the establishment of an institution with provisions for future maintenance.
2. The basis on which a thing stands, is founded, or is supported. See synonyms at base.
3. (a) Funds for the perpetual support of an institution; an endowment.(b) An institution founded and supported by an endowment.
4. A foundation garment.
5. A cosmetic base.
I had another wonderful weekend. I learned so much this weekend. Well, one thing in particular, which brings me to the title of my post. Foundations.
I posted the dictionary definition at the top, but there are so many other meanings to me. Everything that I think of begins with a strong foundation. When you build a house, the foundation is what anchors the completion of a safe home. When you start a painting, your foundation drives the outcome of the painting. When you are trying to be mobile, whether it be a baby learning to walk, or riding in the car, you must have a solid foundation. The need for a strong foundation is present in everything. I am thankful to have a strong foundation in everything around me. Have you ever thought about what you're standing on, both literally and figuratively?
**I will fill you in on my wonderful weekend later, just wanted to post something quick. Until then Scout and I (well, I am the only one working) are swamped at work!!**
Friday, September 18, 2009
Football Friday Part 3
Well, I don't have much time today, I am SUPER busy at work. But I couldn't leave you hanging without mentioning the Crimson Tide, I know all of you would be so heartbroken. (Kidding, I know you probably get tired of hearing about it). Anyway, Alabama is hosting the University of North Texas. I don't much about them except that they are called the "Mean Green". Anyway, here's to hoping for a win! I hope you all have a lovely weekend! I am going to see the Zac Brown Band tonight in the Gump, so it should prove to be interesting and fun if it doesn't rain! Scout is still at the office, and everyone is loving him. He mostly just sleeps and gets lots of treats. He jumps up everytime someone comes in the door and people think he is just so cute! Have a great weekend, I will catch up with you Monday!! Roll Tide
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Happy Constitution Day!!
September 17, 1787 the Constitution was signed by 39 men who changed the history of the United States with the stroke of a pen. (And ratification of 9 states in 1788)Today, we celebrate a document that has really stood the test of time! I actually got to see the original document when I lived in DC and it was one of the coolest things ever! Most people don't really think about the Constitution on a daily basis. Unless you are a nerd like me and carry a pocket-sized document with you. I got in this habit when I was in high school on government team and we debated the Constitution, it has just carried over. Isn't it crazy to think that a document that was written so long ago still serves its purpose and has only had a Bill of Rights added (in order to more adequately outline individual rights) and 27 amendments. So, next time you are watching the news coverage, seeing pictures of war, voting, election coverage, you can think that all of those things are made possible because of an old document.
I decided I would leave you with 10 cool facts about the Constitution that I found from the website of The National Constitution Center.
1. The U.S. Constitution was written in the same Pennsylvania State House where the Declaration of Independence was signed and where George Washington received his commission as Commander of the Continental Army. Now called Independence Hall, the building still stands today on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, directly across from the National Constitution Center.
2. Written in 1787, the Constitution was signed on September 17th. But it wasn't until 1788 that it was ratified by the necessary nine states.
3. The U.S. Constitution was prepared in secret, behind locked doors that were guarded by sentries.
4. Some of the original framers and many delegates in the state ratifying conventions were very troubled that the original Constitution lacked a description of individual rights. In 1791, Americans added a list of rights to the Constitution. The first ten amendments became known as The Bill of Rights
5. Of the 55 delegates attending the Constitutional Convention, 39 signed and 3 delegates dissented. Two of America's "founding fathers" didn't sign the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson was representing his country in France and John Adams was doing the same in Great Britain.
6. Established on November 26, 1789, the first national "Thanksgiving Day" was originally created by George Washington as a way of "giving thanks" for the Constitution.
7. Of the written national constitutions, the U.S. Constitution is the oldest and shortest.
8. At 81, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania was the oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention and at 26, Jonathon Dayton of New Jersey was the youngest.
9. The original Constitution is on display at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, it was moved to Fort Knox for safekeeping.
10. More than 11,000 amendments have been introduced in Congress. Thirty three have gone to the states to be ratified and twenty seven have received the necessary approval from the states to actually become amendments to the Constitution
I decided I would leave you with 10 cool facts about the Constitution that I found from the website of The National Constitution Center.
1. The U.S. Constitution was written in the same Pennsylvania State House where the Declaration of Independence was signed and where George Washington received his commission as Commander of the Continental Army. Now called Independence Hall, the building still stands today on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, directly across from the National Constitution Center.
2. Written in 1787, the Constitution was signed on September 17th. But it wasn't until 1788 that it was ratified by the necessary nine states.
3. The U.S. Constitution was prepared in secret, behind locked doors that were guarded by sentries.
4. Some of the original framers and many delegates in the state ratifying conventions were very troubled that the original Constitution lacked a description of individual rights. In 1791, Americans added a list of rights to the Constitution. The first ten amendments became known as The Bill of Rights
5. Of the 55 delegates attending the Constitutional Convention, 39 signed and 3 delegates dissented. Two of America's "founding fathers" didn't sign the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson was representing his country in France and John Adams was doing the same in Great Britain.
6. Established on November 26, 1789, the first national "Thanksgiving Day" was originally created by George Washington as a way of "giving thanks" for the Constitution.
7. Of the written national constitutions, the U.S. Constitution is the oldest and shortest.
8. At 81, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania was the oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention and at 26, Jonathon Dayton of New Jersey was the youngest.
9. The original Constitution is on display at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, it was moved to Fort Knox for safekeeping.
10. More than 11,000 amendments have been introduced in Congress. Thirty three have gone to the states to be ratified and twenty seven have received the necessary approval from the states to actually become amendments to the Constitution
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New Job Title

Well, someone has a new job title in my house and it isn't me. That's right, its Scout! I work in a small company and we have been begging our boss to get an office dog. We think it will make things more fun, everyone can get a little boost when they need someone to play with or need an excuse to go outside (since no one smokes). Scout has joined the office (on a trial basis for now) as the new Go To Guy for a better day at the office. It has been proven in studies that having a dog in the office can help employees relieve stress just by petting the dog and makes for an overall friendlier work environment. Today is (half) day one. We'll see how the rest of the week goes! So far so good. I never thought I'd see the day that my little guy got a job. They grow up so fast! ;) What about you guys? Do you work in dog-friendly offices or know someone who does?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Catching up.....
I am so not good at Monday recaps, so I tend to make them Tuesday recaps. Maybe this has been because my last two Mondays have fused into the weekend and Tuesday has become my Monday! I have had lots going on since Friday though and been busy busy! I don't think I mentioned that I had my first-ever flat tire on Thursday last week and 1. Had to get someone to come change it. 2. It was not fixable and I ended up with a new set of tires (a few months premature, but it was gonna happen anyway right?). Then, Friday I got off work a couple of hours early because I had to go back in to work Friday night (11:30-3:30am) for a big project. My whole plan was to get off early and then sleep til time to go back in, but of course that isn't how it works! So, I ended up cleaning my whole house and going to work. Then, I came home at about 3:30 am and got up Saturday at 6:30 so I could drive to Huntsville and begin my weekend. Which, in fact turned out to be the best weekend of the summer so far (if you still count this as summer), either way, it was AWESOME! Alabama won, Church was great, and the company was even better! I smiled all weekend because I had a great one, and didn't even mind getting up at 3:30 this morning to drive back. I am now at work, still not bothered by the early rising and plugging away (or at least trying to look as busy as possible). Anyway, those have been my past few days.....hope your weekends have been amazing!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Football Friday Part 2
Well, it is again Friday and this brings us to another football game. This weekend, The Crimson Tide is hosting Florida International in Tuscaloosa. Lets hope this team leaves their unsportsmanlike conduct in the Sunshine State. We all remember what happened when this team played Miami a few years ago!
Also, today is 9-11. Never Forget. I know I never will.
“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children. “
- President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001

Also, today is 9-11. Never Forget. I know I never will.
“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children. “
- President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
9/9/09 -- What Makes That Auspicious Date So Special? - Science News | Science
Last post of the day I swear! I saw this article about the significance about this date and thought I would share!
9/9/09 -- What Makes That Auspicious Date So Special? - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com
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9/9/09 -- What Makes That Auspicious Date So Special? - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News - FOXNews.com
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September (For Erin)
In August, I posted a list of random facts about the month of August and its history because it was my birthday month and all. Well, as Maggie suggested, I should do something like that for every month. I was going to do September today and I read a post by Vickie about the importance of September. September is
Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. She had a fact sheet posted about a certain type of pediatric cancer called Neuroblastoma and some information about a fundraiser that Erin started to raise money for research. I don't think she'll mind if I copy and post it! The type that her her daughter, Erin, lived with for several years. I have followed Erin's story and I thought that I would post Vickie's fact sheet to spread the word and encourage you to get involved, even if it is just by reading Erin's story and getting to know what an awesome person she was and experience the ripples her too-short life is still leaving! So, here are my September facts (for Erin).
Neuroblastoma Cancer Fact Sheet
What is Neuroblastoma?
Neuroblastoma is a common but overlooked cancer in kids. It is a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system,
and usually presents as a solid, malignant tumor that manifests as a lump or mass in the abdomen or around the
spinal cord in the chest, neck, or pelvis. Neuroblastoma is often present at birth, but is most often diagnosed
much later when the child begins to show symptoms of the disease. In the majority of cases (73%),
neuroblastoma has already spread to areas outside of the original site at the time of diagnosis.
Some Statistics about Neuroblastoma:
* 5%-7% of all childhood malignancies, but 15% of pediatric cancer deaths
* about 1 in 6000 children will be diagnosed with neuroblastoma by the age of five
* The average age at diagnosis is two
* About 25% of newly diagnosed neuroblastomas are found in children under the age of one
* Children under the age of one have a cure rate as high as 90%
* Children with high risk disease have a five-year survival rate of around 55%
* Relapsed neuroblastoma has no known cure.
Why does Erin’s Dream Lanyards raise money for neuroblastoma research?
* Over the past two decades, only TWO new cancer drugs have been approved for pediatric use.
* Only 3% of the National Cancer Institute Budget goes toward Pediatric Cancer Research.
* Young patients often have a more advanced stage of cancer when first diagnosed. Approximately 20% of adults with cancer show evidence the disease has spread, yet almost 80% of children show that the cancer has spread at diagnosis.
* There are 15 children diagnosed with cancer for every one child diagnosed with pediatric AIDS. Yet, the U.S. invests approximately $595,000 for research per victim of pediatric AIDS and only $20,000 for each victim of childhood cancer.
* Research funds are scarce as most money is diverted to well-publicized adult forms of cancer, such as breast and prostate.
* In 2005, the American Cancer Society provided only 2.5% of funded grants, or 1.85% of dollars spent on research to pediatric cancer.
Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. She had a fact sheet posted about a certain type of pediatric cancer called Neuroblastoma and some information about a fundraiser that Erin started to raise money for research. I don't think she'll mind if I copy and post it! The type that her her daughter, Erin, lived with for several years. I have followed Erin's story and I thought that I would post Vickie's fact sheet to spread the word and encourage you to get involved, even if it is just by reading Erin's story and getting to know what an awesome person she was and experience the ripples her too-short life is still leaving! So, here are my September facts (for Erin).
Neuroblastoma Cancer Fact Sheet
What is Neuroblastoma?
Neuroblastoma is a common but overlooked cancer in kids. It is a cancer of the sympathetic nervous system,
and usually presents as a solid, malignant tumor that manifests as a lump or mass in the abdomen or around the
spinal cord in the chest, neck, or pelvis. Neuroblastoma is often present at birth, but is most often diagnosed
much later when the child begins to show symptoms of the disease. In the majority of cases (73%),
neuroblastoma has already spread to areas outside of the original site at the time of diagnosis.
Some Statistics about Neuroblastoma:
* 5%-7% of all childhood malignancies, but 15% of pediatric cancer deaths
* about 1 in 6000 children will be diagnosed with neuroblastoma by the age of five
* The average age at diagnosis is two
* About 25% of newly diagnosed neuroblastomas are found in children under the age of one
* Children under the age of one have a cure rate as high as 90%
* Children with high risk disease have a five-year survival rate of around 55%
* Relapsed neuroblastoma has no known cure.
Why does Erin’s Dream Lanyards raise money for neuroblastoma research?
* Over the past two decades, only TWO new cancer drugs have been approved for pediatric use.
* Only 3% of the National Cancer Institute Budget goes toward Pediatric Cancer Research.
* Young patients often have a more advanced stage of cancer when first diagnosed. Approximately 20% of adults with cancer show evidence the disease has spread, yet almost 80% of children show that the cancer has spread at diagnosis.
* There are 15 children diagnosed with cancer for every one child diagnosed with pediatric AIDS. Yet, the U.S. invests approximately $595,000 for research per victim of pediatric AIDS and only $20,000 for each victim of childhood cancer.
* Research funds are scarce as most money is diverted to well-publicized adult forms of cancer, such as breast and prostate.
* In 2005, the American Cancer Society provided only 2.5% of funded grants, or 1.85% of dollars spent on research to pediatric cancer.
Longest Post Ever
I haven't really been in the mood to write much lately, mostly because I haven't felt like I had much to tell. Well, now it is like everything hits all at once! I have lots to tell!
First, the long weekend is sadly over, but it was a great one! It was the first college football weekend! Waking up on the first football weekend Saturday morning is like waking up on Christmas almost! It is really exciting! Well, we laid around and watched College Gameday, live from Atlanta, where the Alabama/Virginia Tech game was being played. Then, my mom and I got up and did what we usually do on Saturdays, shopped! I came home and made some homemade salsa and guacamole for the game. And then went to some new friends house to watch the game! That was ALOT of fun! The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying friends and family and relaxing and getting little sleep! Then I had to come back to Montgomery and work only to find that work is not only consuming its usual 5 days of my week this week, but the other 2 that we should have off! That makes for a bad first day back for the week!
Next, this weekend I purchased the new Nike+ Wristband that tracks your run and the stats that go with it and it is really neat and I would recommend it to anyone. Just had to throw that in there.
A few complaints/observances: Last night I went (reluctantly) to Walmart to pick up a few cleaning supplies so I could clean my house this week since I won't have a weekend. Well, of course they only had about three lanes open out of the 423 that they have available, so the lines were outrageously unnecessary! Anyway, one of the lanes was a 20 items or less lane. Last time I checked, this meant 20 items, as in ten times two or nineteen plus one, NOT TWO CARTS FULL OF STUFF!! The lines were bad enough, but this lady thought she should get to do what she wanted and went through the EXPRESS lane with two carts full of groceries for what looked like The Alabama National Guard! It was ridiculous. Well, a man about 10 people behind her decided to call her out and they went back and forth for a minute. Well, I was in another line and my cashier said, the lady should not be in that line and that the cashier checking her out should have not allowed her through. It was a big ole mess and I was happy to get out of there because the customers' argument was getting heated and the cops were on their way! I left and didn't get to enjoy the drama that ensued in front of the 200 people in the check out lines of 4 lanes! Now, before all of this happened, a lady and her son, who was about 10 were waiting in line behind me. They were getting impatient and frustrated along with everyone else, and they didn't have much. The son turns to his mom and says, "We could just steal it." I listened carefully to the mom's response, interested to see how she would phrase this important life lesson to her son. She look ed at him and said, "We can't do that here, they have those beepy things in the front." I KID YOU NOT. They were both dead serious. Wow. Instead of a life lesson, I wrote that in my future parenting log as how not to raise a child unless you want them to become a passenger in a police car. Seriously? Is this what kids seriously think these days??? I was floored.
Lastly, this morning I was watching the local news at 6 while I was eating breakfast, and I learned another thing I would never do if I ever get input on the content of a news broadcast. They were having guests on there who were cooking. Now, this is fine and well and I love some of the recipes, but there is absolutely no reason to show the newscaster taking a bite of the food (especially a quail panini at 6 am) and then expecting her to react and speak about the food she just ate. Seriously, it was a tight camera shot of her mouth taking a bite. Not attractive and it doesn't make me want to go find these people's restaurant to go eat! It is just gross. Don't do that please.
Ok, enough of the long post! I am sure I have left things out and already bored you all to death, so I am going to go now. Maybe I will try that quail panini and take a picture of it. And then try to talk.
First, the long weekend is sadly over, but it was a great one! It was the first college football weekend! Waking up on the first football weekend Saturday morning is like waking up on Christmas almost! It is really exciting! Well, we laid around and watched College Gameday, live from Atlanta, where the Alabama/Virginia Tech game was being played. Then, my mom and I got up and did what we usually do on Saturdays, shopped! I came home and made some homemade salsa and guacamole for the game. And then went to some new friends house to watch the game! That was ALOT of fun! The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying friends and family and relaxing and getting little sleep! Then I had to come back to Montgomery and work only to find that work is not only consuming its usual 5 days of my week this week, but the other 2 that we should have off! That makes for a bad first day back for the week!
Next, this weekend I purchased the new Nike+ Wristband that tracks your run and the stats that go with it and it is really neat and I would recommend it to anyone. Just had to throw that in there.
A few complaints/observances: Last night I went (reluctantly) to Walmart to pick up a few cleaning supplies so I could clean my house this week since I won't have a weekend. Well, of course they only had about three lanes open out of the 423 that they have available, so the lines were outrageously unnecessary! Anyway, one of the lanes was a 20 items or less lane. Last time I checked, this meant 20 items, as in ten times two or nineteen plus one, NOT TWO CARTS FULL OF STUFF!! The lines were bad enough, but this lady thought she should get to do what she wanted and went through the EXPRESS lane with two carts full of groceries for what looked like The Alabama National Guard! It was ridiculous. Well, a man about 10 people behind her decided to call her out and they went back and forth for a minute. Well, I was in another line and my cashier said, the lady should not be in that line and that the cashier checking her out should have not allowed her through. It was a big ole mess and I was happy to get out of there because the customers' argument was getting heated and the cops were on their way! I left and didn't get to enjoy the drama that ensued in front of the 200 people in the check out lines of 4 lanes! Now, before all of this happened, a lady and her son, who was about 10 were waiting in line behind me. They were getting impatient and frustrated along with everyone else, and they didn't have much. The son turns to his mom and says, "We could just steal it." I listened carefully to the mom's response, interested to see how she would phrase this important life lesson to her son. She look ed at him and said, "We can't do that here, they have those beepy things in the front." I KID YOU NOT. They were both dead serious. Wow. Instead of a life lesson, I wrote that in my future parenting log as how not to raise a child unless you want them to become a passenger in a police car. Seriously? Is this what kids seriously think these days??? I was floored.
Lastly, this morning I was watching the local news at 6 while I was eating breakfast, and I learned another thing I would never do if I ever get input on the content of a news broadcast. They were having guests on there who were cooking. Now, this is fine and well and I love some of the recipes, but there is absolutely no reason to show the newscaster taking a bite of the food (especially a quail panini at 6 am) and then expecting her to react and speak about the food she just ate. Seriously, it was a tight camera shot of her mouth taking a bite. Not attractive and it doesn't make me want to go find these people's restaurant to go eat! It is just gross. Don't do that please.
Ok, enough of the long post! I am sure I have left things out and already bored you all to death, so I am going to go now. Maybe I will try that quail panini and take a picture of it. And then try to talk.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tune Tuesday

I have been really enjoying Lady Antebellum lately! I can listen to their current cd over and over. They recently released a new single that is on the radio now, so I can't wait for their new album!! Enjoy!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Football Friday Part 1.
Happy Friday! I hope you all have a great weekend! Alabama plays tomorrow, so it is a great start to the weekend! ;) Have a safe and happy holiday of you are off and are traveling! Above is a picture I found with our school mascot, Big Al and a pre-game video for tomorrow to remind me how excited I am! Roll Tide!
2 Days!!!! *New Video*
I was so excited about this video and it gave me chills, I thought I would share! Here in the South, football is a religion. Seriously. The best friend that I told you about who just got engaged? Well, we were talking yesterday about when her wedding would be. She wanted a Spring wedding. Well, all of her fiance's groomsmen are in the Minor Leagues so, Spring is out, unless she wants an all girl wedding. Then we discussed Fall. This can only happen if it is planned around Alabama and Florida football. Seriously y'all, when I say I am not kidding that we are serious about this stuff, we aren't. Football season defines life in the fall and it is anticipated all year long! I was once in a wedding that started late because Alabama went into overtime. Not kidding. Anyway, 2 days till my weekends revolve around pigskin. If you don't think I am serious, watch the video, it will give you a small glimpse of what I mean. Roll Tide!
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