It is before 9 here in beautiful Alabama and I have already accomplished SO much! E and I got up this morning and ran again, so that means I was up. I decided to go ahead and start my day. So far this morning, I have showered, separated and started laundry, cooked breakfast, done dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and swept the floor. That is CRAZY! It isn't even 9!! Now, I am itching to get ready and go run the errands I need to run so I can get home and have the afternoon to myself.
Ok, enough about the present....on to the past (yesterday) and the future (the weekend). I have completely forgotten to blog about my 1 year blogiversary. Yep, April 22 marked the one year mark of having my blog. I guess I will save that post for next week so I can make it something special. Yesterday, I had to go to Montgomery. I got to spend a lot of time with C and catch up and visit like old times. It was GREAT to see her and I came home happy and refreshed.
This weekend is going to be BUSY! My brother is coming in town to play is annual show at the Whistlestop Festival. That should be fun. Then, it is supposed to rain the rest of the weekend, so we are going to finish the swing probably and then work around the house since there will be no fence building in the rain. Then on Sunday, I have my first shower at the church. I am excited!!
Well, I am off to attempt to accomplish more things! Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Friday and a LOVELY weekend!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Concrete Boogers
Ha! Thought you might like that title. Well, E thought I should use that title because he thought it was funny. There is a real explanation for it, and I will get to it, but for now, I am going to apologize, for the millionth time, for being a slacker blogger. I PROMISE (for real this time) that I am going to do better. I am going to work blogging into my schedule during the day, and hopefully keep you up to date more. I do still read all of your blogs, I don't always have time to comment as I am usually reading blogs on the reader on my phone, but I am still reading.
So here are some updates on what has been going on. I will do a list since it will be easier that way.
On the WEDDING, today marks day sixty until the wedding! Time is flying! I have my first shower this weekend at the church I grew up at. I am excited, but kinda nervous, I really don't know how to act! Not to mention, I don't know what to wear!! Things are moving right along. I have my invitations and all I have to do is to address them and send them out! I have the menu picked out. Now all I have to do is figure out what I want read at the wedding and a song for my brother to sing, and some favors!! So, any ideas, would be GREATLY appreciated!
On the HOUSE, E and I have been working hard putting up a fence (wooden privacy fence) for Scout, and to just make our back yard prettier. Let me tell you, this has been a JOB! First, we rented a two-man power auger that digs the holes. He and I dug ALL of the holes for the posts. Friday and Sunday, we mixed cement and put up all of the posts for the fence. Concrete dust is SO messy and gross. The worst part about it is when you breathe it in (you can't help it). It makes your nose feel weird and you get "concrete boogers" (which is where the blog title came from). Nice, I know you really wanted to hear that, but a promise is a promise. Anyway, the posts are set and we are waiting on them to get good and ready before we move on with the fence which will probably be this weekend. We also have three huge azalea plants to plant and E is building us a wooden swing to hang out back! Hopefully that will be done very soon!
On LIFE, E and I decided that we needed to get into better shape. So, we have set a few goals and have decided to get back into running! We started at 5am this morning and are hoping to end our training next year by running the Music City Half Marathon in Nashville. I hope you guys can help keep me accountable! I think it will be a lot of fun! We are hoping to find a 5K to run in France during our honeymoon! We will see what happens! For now, we are enjoying getting up early and running and setting goals together!
Hope you all have a great week and I will definitely be in touch with all of you more! See you soon!
So here are some updates on what has been going on. I will do a list since it will be easier that way.
On the WEDDING, today marks day sixty until the wedding! Time is flying! I have my first shower this weekend at the church I grew up at. I am excited, but kinda nervous, I really don't know how to act! Not to mention, I don't know what to wear!! Things are moving right along. I have my invitations and all I have to do is to address them and send them out! I have the menu picked out. Now all I have to do is figure out what I want read at the wedding and a song for my brother to sing, and some favors!! So, any ideas, would be GREATLY appreciated!
On the HOUSE, E and I have been working hard putting up a fence (wooden privacy fence) for Scout, and to just make our back yard prettier. Let me tell you, this has been a JOB! First, we rented a two-man power auger that digs the holes. He and I dug ALL of the holes for the posts. Friday and Sunday, we mixed cement and put up all of the posts for the fence. Concrete dust is SO messy and gross. The worst part about it is when you breathe it in (you can't help it). It makes your nose feel weird and you get "concrete boogers" (which is where the blog title came from). Nice, I know you really wanted to hear that, but a promise is a promise. Anyway, the posts are set and we are waiting on them to get good and ready before we move on with the fence which will probably be this weekend. We also have three huge azalea plants to plant and E is building us a wooden swing to hang out back! Hopefully that will be done very soon!
On LIFE, E and I decided that we needed to get into better shape. So, we have set a few goals and have decided to get back into running! We started at 5am this morning and are hoping to end our training next year by running the Music City Half Marathon in Nashville. I hope you guys can help keep me accountable! I think it will be a lot of fun! We are hoping to find a 5K to run in France during our honeymoon! We will see what happens! For now, we are enjoying getting up early and running and setting goals together!
Hope you all have a great week and I will definitely be in touch with all of you more! See you soon!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Busy Bee
Well, what is new? I have been super busy lately! Who would have guessed?! We have been putting up a fence at my house! E am I are getting ready to go to the beach for the weekend, so I have been getting ready for that! Not to mention being pulled in 400 different directions! But I am not complaining! It makes time fly by! :) Which I LOVE! Not much longer until June 26.....
So, I am sorry this is short, just wanted to check in! I am a busy bee today, as usual. See you soon!
So, I am sorry this is short, just wanted to check in! I am a busy bee today, as usual. See you soon!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Just some things....
Well, I can't believe it is already Thursday! It seems like this week has just flown by!! I have gotten some things accomplished! E and I planted our garden, we mowed the grass. Well, he mowed while I weed-eated (is that a word?) I dunno. I got a few things we needed at the store. I proofed our wedding invitations and officially placed the order!! :) Now we are taking a road trip to see the Casey Donahew Band. We are looking forward to spending some time together and having a good time! It should be a nice little break and road trip!
OK, I know I don't have kids and I am not a mom. Although I do have a dog and I think he is the only thing that will be in our house on a leash. Last night, we were at Subway and this lady walks in with her kid (maybe 2 or 3) on a leash. The funny thing is, he still acted a fool and would not listen. He needed something more than a leash. Like maybe some disipline? When she sat down and let go of the leash, he was running around and just dragging it with him. It was so strange. I mean, I know some kids are rowdy, but can't you get a handle on them that isn't connected to a leash like a dog? I just really don't understand. These are a huge pet peeve of mine. If you have a kid and you use one, I would love to hear the reason behind walking your child on a leash. I honestly just don't get it and it makes me stare at people, I guess just to understand. It just looks plain weird. My mom never walked me on a leash and I turned out just fine. I could walk and explore, but I also knew not to wander off and to stay by her side. I don't think I will ever have a reason to put my kids on a leash. Scout barely needs one. I definitely don't want one with the animal on the kid's back. It is just plain weird.
OK, I know I don't have kids and I am not a mom. Although I do have a dog and I think he is the only thing that will be in our house on a leash. Last night, we were at Subway and this lady walks in with her kid (maybe 2 or 3) on a leash. The funny thing is, he still acted a fool and would not listen. He needed something more than a leash. Like maybe some disipline? When she sat down and let go of the leash, he was running around and just dragging it with him. It was so strange. I mean, I know some kids are rowdy, but can't you get a handle on them that isn't connected to a leash like a dog? I just really don't understand. These are a huge pet peeve of mine. If you have a kid and you use one, I would love to hear the reason behind walking your child on a leash. I honestly just don't get it and it makes me stare at people, I guess just to understand. It just looks plain weird. My mom never walked me on a leash and I turned out just fine. I could walk and explore, but I also knew not to wander off and to stay by her side. I don't think I will ever have a reason to put my kids on a leash. Scout barely needs one. I definitely don't want one with the animal on the kid's back. It is just plain weird.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I know I have mentioned the weather in the last million and a half of my posts (ok, maybe that is a tad exaggerated, but I HAVE mentioned it a bunch) between the crazy COLD winter, the shorts one day and the snow plows the next, and now the abundance of beautiful sunshine!! I just feel like the sun adds so much MORE to my day!!
I wake up MORE often with a smile on my face.
I feel MORE ready for the day.
I feel like I can accomplish so much MORE.
I like to spread the sunshine around MORE than I do normally.
I feel MORE in love. (This probably has nothing to do with the sunshine and everything to do with my fiance.)
I want to do MORE.
I want to spend MORE time outside.
I want to travel MORE.
I work MORE (on things that need to be done).
I get things done MORE quickly.
I move MORE. (like exercise)
I enjoy MORE.
*Random...but, now that I wrote all of that. I think the word "more" is so weird. Looking at it in that list it just looks weird and all wrong! Ha. Oh well, it was a cute idea in my head, I can't help that the word is all messed up. It was still a cute list and is really how I feel. Maybe if I use the word MORE often, it will grow on me! ;) Happy Wednesday!
I wake up MORE often with a smile on my face.
I feel MORE ready for the day.
I feel like I can accomplish so much MORE.
I like to spread the sunshine around MORE than I do normally.
I feel MORE in love. (This probably has nothing to do with the sunshine and everything to do with my fiance.)
I want to do MORE.
I want to spend MORE time outside.
I want to travel MORE.
I work MORE (on things that need to be done).
I get things done MORE quickly.
I move MORE. (like exercise)
I enjoy MORE.
*Random...but, now that I wrote all of that. I think the word "more" is so weird. Looking at it in that list it just looks weird and all wrong! Ha. Oh well, it was a cute idea in my head, I can't help that the word is all messed up. It was still a cute list and is really how I feel. Maybe if I use the word MORE often, it will grow on me! ;) Happy Wednesday!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Whirlwind Weekend

I can't believe Monday is here already! E and I had a BUSY weekend! We left on Friday to drive the 4 hours to his hometown to visit his mom for her birthday, meet his grandmothers, so he could go turkey hunting, spend Easter, and come back with a yellow, pollen-covered car! Ha! Just kidding. I mean, most of that is true. We did have a crazy busy weekend out of town! But, we are back and are getting back into the swing of things! Can I just say that I love Spring?? The sun is shining, all of the flowers are blooming and the weather is just absolutely beautiful! Not to mention the fact that it is now safe to wear white and linen! Two of my favorite summer items! I can't wait! :) I am looking forward to a good week! I can tel that summer is fastly approaching! Which I must say makes me SO happy! Our calendar is filling up quickly, which means June will be here before you know it and I will be changing my last name!! :) YAY! Only 82 more days to go according to my knot web page! That is awesome!!! It is going to go by so fast! Well, I am going to enjoy the weather and take advantage of my energy and get up and get busy early! Hope you all have a wonderful week! Maybe I will take some pictures of our signs of spring and share!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
So, contrary to my belief that things would slow down a little and I would be able to blog more, that really isn't the case. I have been helping E work outside, enjoying this beautiful (80 degree) weather, planning a honeymoon, planning a wedding, and reading. I am now realizing that things are starting to fall into place with the house, the wedding, and the honeymoon. I now am going somewhere almost every weekend this month, so that should be fun! I have also learned that 1. I need a hobby. 2. Moving back to the town that you grew up in after being gone for 7 years is weird and nothing is the same. 3. I need to find a way to get involved and meet some people.
Have I mentioned that I love this weather! Because I do! Now, I am off to finish picking up a little and work on typing the wedding guest list. Hope you all have a great day! It is Thursday, so that means tomorrow is the start of a GREAT weekend!
Have I mentioned that I love this weather! Because I do! Now, I am off to finish picking up a little and work on typing the wedding guest list. Hope you all have a great day! It is Thursday, so that means tomorrow is the start of a GREAT weekend!
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