Friday, January 27, 2012


I feel like this has been the longest two weeks ever!! One of the sweet girls I work with lost her father unexpectedly on Friday, January 13th and has been out ever since. We are a small office to begin with, so we are all taking on extra work to make sure everything is covered while she is out and healing. Needless to say, things have been BUSY at work!! Emory has been traveling a lot, so things have been crazy at home too! I am usually off on Fridays to catch up on my homework for law school or to clean house or do things that I would normally do on Saturdays but can't. Well, I worked last Friday and I am here again. I really don't have to be here today, but I think it would help me sleep better at night to know I got some of it done before I go home!! But, I always forget how happy people are on Fridays because I am not really at work any more. So, here's to you Friday! Thanks for showing up and bringing a smile to so many!! Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!

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