Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I promise....

....that I am really not neglecting the blog! I feel like since I moved, I have not been updating as much at all! the truth is, even though I don't have a job, I have been REALLY busy! Between moving and unpacking and getting things in order, to cooking and cleaning and wedding planning, I don't know where all the time goes!! So I will catch you all up a little bit before I have to get up and get ready to get out the door!

Last week, we celebrated my little brother's 16th birthday! I can't believe how time flies and how old we are all getting! E surprised me and took off Friday to enjoy the absolutely beautiful weather we had. We got SO much stuff done around the house! Literally, we didn't sit down on Friday! Saturday was the same way! The weather was SO pretty I had on shorts! Sunday was rainy and we did some things INSIDE the house. Then yesterday, we woke up to SNOW! Yes, you read that right, SNOW! I was wearing shorts on Saturday and it was snowing on Monday. Consistency in the way of warm weather would be so nice right about now! I mean, it is March, almost April! No more snow!! Please and thankyouverymuch!

We are making headway on the wedding! Save the Dates have been mailed and we are meeting with the lady doing the reception tonight! Our biggest decision now is the honeymoon! E and I sat down for 3 plus hours looking at hotels and places last night! We are going to the French Riviera and Paris then back to the Riviera. We are just trying to decide where! We think we have one of the three places picked out, so that is a start right? Ha! Well, I hope the weather is lovely where you are! Sorry to be so MIA lately, maybe things will get better! Have a wonderful week!!


  1. Glad the wedding planning is going well!! HOW FUN!!

  2. That sounds like a wonderful honeymoon. A great hotel in Paris is the Mercure.

  3. Glad the wedding planning is going so well!! Honeymoon sounds wonderful, we may be able to actually have a honeymoon sooner rather than later so I am excited about that!! Glad to have you back in the blog world:)

  4. I'm glad wedding planning is going wonderfully!!!

    And this weather is cray. Thankfully we didn't get snow but the temps going up and down is annoying.

  5. Woohoo for Wedding Planning, your honeymoon location sounds awesome!

  6. You will love Paris........been there once and didn't have enough time but I will return. Good luck!!!
